How to get there
Other information
The conference venue is Elite Hotel Marina Tower.
Elite Hotel Marina Tower
Saltsjöqvarns Kaj 25
131 71 Nacka
How to get there
From Arlanda Airport: Arlanda Express Train + Taxi, Airport bus + Taxi, or Taxi (for taxi only, ask for a fixed price such as Taxi Kurir, Taxi Stockholm and Taxi 020).
From Stockholm City Center: Buss 53 from "Centralstationen" or "Slussen" in the direction of "Finnberget". Get off at "Saltsjöqvarn". You will then see signs directing you to the hotel which is just a couple of minutes away. The bus ride takes 10-15 minutes and buses run every 10-15 minutes.
There is also the possibility of going by boat from Nybroplan or Lidingö. The boats are a lot less scarce though so you should carefully consult the time table. Get off at "Saltsjöqvarn" just outside the conference venue.
Other information
Information on nearby restaurants is available here.